
Gathering images of any type of waste and labeling them to train AI to make the environment cleaner
Recognizing debris floating in the water, on lawns, in forests in the wild, or in the cities streets, is what helps make efforts to clean up our planet more effectively. The Tagias team has already collected thousands and thousands of photos of garbage in a variety of circumstances and types of lighting, each time we did it for each specific order.

Recognizing the types of garbage on the conveyor belt in recycling plants makes this process more accurate, cost-effective, and safer for nature. Sometimes we are approached by companies that want to mark up garbage for portable sorting devices used in garbage collection areas so that each type of garbage goes to its own recycling plant.

We have experience in collecting, annotating, classifying the litter images, identifying any type of litter object which you need to label. More details about the litter dataset are here.
Tagias Manager helps you create a good technical task for the data or markup that needs to be performed. So that you get a training dataset that gives real results and a low error rate.

Use cases

Image annotation

Garbage is photographed, classified into different types (material, brand, etc.), and marked up for portable sorting devices

Recognizing debris floating in the water. Marine debris is a human-created waste ending up in the world's oceans

Garbage photo collection in a variety of circumstances according to certain criteria, identifying any type of
litter object

Waste sorting
Marine litter
Litter detection
Bounding box annotation
Bounding boxes
The most common type of data annotation. Bounding boxes are mainly intended to detect objects, delineating their borders with transparent rectangles. Bounding boxes are applied in almost all industries of the data labelling market.