Visual Search

The purpose of visual search is recognizing target objects on images. The main scope
nowadays is e-commerce
Visual search is no longer just a theoretical concept – it is a growing part of the search landscape. Every day, visual search engines make heavy use of AI and machine learning to better perform image searches. They study shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns, and they learn to use these qualities to identify objects in the same way the human mind does. Today's consumers may not use visual search regularly, but they are ready to embrace
this new technology.

We are approached by services that want to enable their users to find and buy products that they saw somewhere and were able to photograph. After that, the service recognizes what kind of product is shown in the photo, and finding where to buy it on the Internet offers the user to make this purchase or indicates in which stores you can find it.

The good quality of such services requires a good variety in the training sample for the neural network, especially given the fact that similar things look exactly the same in different regions.
Tagias Manager helps you create a good technical task for the data or markup that needs to be performed. So that you get a training dataset that gives real results and a low error rate.

Use cases

Image annotation

Shopping applications
Face reсognition
Automotive driving
Shopping applications
Automotive driving
Analyzing a great number of pictures trained AI can find the specifiс item by image

Collecting the information about the environment for safe automotive driving

Neural networks are learned to recognize certain patterns of meaningful objects

Bounding box annotation
Bounding boxes
The most common type of data annotation. Bounding boxes are mainly intended to detect objects, delineating their borders with transparent rectangles. Bounding boxes are applied in almost all industries of the data labelling market.